New for 2013, KICKER KX-Series Amplifiers represent the brand workhorse, delivering the power and performance expected from 40 years of proven technologies and advanced components. Five mono subwoofer amplifiers, a 4-channel model, a stereo model and a hybrid 5-channel model that includes full-range power and a 400-watt sub section – all supplying high-efficiency, Class-D power in the most compact chassis to date.
KX Mono Subwoofer Amps produce the most power from any single KICKER amplifier, 2,400 rated watts surging to raucous KICKER CompR™ or CompRT™ Subwoofers. Without question, KICKER knows bass and bass power, and KICKER actual power always exceeds rated power.
- KICKER KX Amplifiers set the curve for smaller chassis footprints, with the largest model measuring at only 15-1/2 inches long.
- KX monoblock amps use a Class-D, boost-converter power supply for the highest sound quality and efficiency, allowing KX.1 amps to achieve a typical efficiency near 80 percent.