Erika Kristen


Name: Ericka Kristen
Birth date: 09/12/1986
Location: san antonio Texas
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Measurements: 38/24/36
Ethnicity (Mother/Father): Latina
Location: San Antonio, TX
Turn-ons: Class
Turn-offs: Rudeness
PASNATION Username: erickakristen




PAS: Is “Name” your real name or model name?


Erika Kristen: real name


PAS: Where are you from? And, are you currently living there? If not, where are you currently living?


Erika Kristen: Born in Dallas Tx, raised in Leipsic Ohio and currently reside in San Antonio Texas


PAS: Does your personality match your Zodiac sign? Describe.


Erika Kristen: "Perfectionist, imaginative,creative, social,self-oriented,modest,helpful,bound to common sense, & flexible"





PAS: How long have you been modeling?


Erika Kristen:5yrs


PAS: What would you say are your strengths as a model? (ex. body, eyes, smile, certain poses and emotions...)


Erika Kristen: poses, I can read the photographers mind,,,they'll say "move your...yes that's it!) I'm in love with the camera therefore I know what it wants.


PAS: Do you have any birthmarks, scars or tattoos? Please state "what", "where", "how noticable?"


Erika Kristen:I have a small tattoo on my right shoulder, one birthmark not telling and scar where I broke my ankle ouch!


PAS: Describe yourself in 3 words or statements.


Erika Kristen: fearless, passionate,positive


PAS: What is your best beauty secret?


Erika Kristen: facials, rest, wine





PAS: Why do you love modeling?


Erika Kristen:    Always something new, entertaining,and unpredictable. I never know what I'm going to get into next, where I'm going to go,who I'm going to work with you name it it's a passion and I feel I never work a day in my life.


PAS: With any ‘spotlight’ type of job, you are looked upon as a role model. What advice would you give out to aspiring models?


Erika Kristen:  I would encourage to work hard, don't quit. It's about the things you accomplish and the people you meet along the way of doing so, that give you the opportunity to further your passion, if its really what you thrive to do.


PAS: Where can we see you? (ex. shows, tv, magazines, etc)


Erika Kristen: Just this and next coming month I'm featured in so fine mag, city page mag,  Girls lowrider mag, pasmag, rix mag and that's so hot mag in Oct, everything in between I keep updated on my site! As well online, a list I'm proud to have made this year





PAS: Words to live by?


Erika Kristen: "Do what you love, love what you do"


“Be the change that you want to see in the world"


"If you want to be happy, be. "


Read more at Suite101: Words to Live By: Quotes that Will Inspire: A Collection of Famous Quotations


PAS: Any shout-outs or last words?


Erika Kristen:Thanks to everyone including PAS mag for featuring me I'm honored.